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Feng Shui
Harmonise the different aspects of your life by discovering your relationship with the space in which you live and work
Feng Shui is an ancient oriental discipline of a spiritual nature, capable of producing remarkable changes in people’s lives, influencing positively even in fields where great difficulties seem to exist. Feng Shui aims to transmit physical well-being, serenity and health by working on the relationship
between the person, with their unique characteristics
unique characteristics, and the space in which
in which they live or work.
Jaspal S. Cardellini has studied this discipline in depth and has come up with a very personal method of application in which his meditation practices, the techniques of an ancient oriental art of meditative healing, the knowledge of Tibetan Feng Shui and, last but not least, his subtle intuitive ability come together. In his 20 years of experience as a Feng Shui consultant, he has provided a wide variety of advice on how to design or care for one’s home or workplace, resulting in a decisive influence on the health, prosperity, career and emotional life of those concerned.
Feng Shui – Renovation
Piccinini Ristrutturazioni and Homes in Harmony
By applying the ancient technique of Feng Shui to one’s home, it is possible to produce significant positive effects in the lives of those who inhabit it. Feng Shui aims to transmit physical well-being, serenity and health by working on the relationship between the person with his or her unique characteristics
and the space in which they live.
The Piccinini renovation company uses this technique of organising space to indicate orientations and arrangements of rooms and furniture that are most conducive to capturing the cosmic energy called chi.
If the house enjoys good chi all members of the family enjoy beneficial effects.
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Kundalini Yoga
“It is your birthright to be healthy, happy and holy” – Yogi Bhajan
To approach the practice of Kundalini Yoga is to combine a bodily experience (thus finding ease and confidence in one’s own body) with a profound spiritual experience in order to acquire full awareness of the phenomena that move inside and outside of us, savouring the joy of having full mastery
of one’s own life.
Jaspal S. Cardellini began the study and practice of Kundalini Yoga in 1980. He had the gift of being able to pursue the knowledge of this spiritual ‘technology’ with serenity through an individual path with the teacher Guru Meer, the first to bring Kundalini Yoga to Italy. He undertook Kundalini Yoga meditations under the guidance of the teacher Guru Dev S.K. and deepened his knowledge with Master Yogi Bhajan, who has divulged the secrets of Kundalini throughout the world. Jaspal S. Cardellini has been a Kundalini Yoga teacher since 1988, and since then he has been spreading this ancient knowledge to his students, transmitting to them the spirit of research and independence in their own human and spiritual growth.
Untangle karmic knots and gain a clear vision of the evolution of your existence
Through an in-depth analysis of birth date numbers, Tantric Numerology is able to provide guidance on the life processes in which we have passed, are passing and will pass. Numerology, in fact, is a rapid method of knowledge to arrive at a detailed understanding and description of the karmic position in a person’s evolution and life experiences. With the date of birth comes 5 numbers representing the Soul, Karma, Divine Gift, Destiny and Mission in life.
Analysing these numbers with the help of an acute sensitivity, Jaspal S. Cardellini guides the person concerned along the fascinating path of discovering his positive aspects – so that they can be fully recognised and valued – and the karmic knots to be unravelled and overcome, arriving together at the healing and harmonisation of the different aspects of his existence
The sense of the sacred
“Rotate life around the summer and winter solstices and everything will be taken care of” -Yogi Bhajan
Discovering the intense energetic power of Sardinian monoliths connected with Kundalini Yoga meditations. Sardinia is an island known for many beautiful landscapes. Less well known is its wealth of megalithic sites dating back to the Bronze Age. These are granite constructions, scattered in natural spaces rich in healing energy. They are the ideal spaces
in which to find the deepest harmony
in a complete relationship with nature
and its special power.
Jaspal was the first to understand the kundalini energy in these places of strength. He organises trips to discover the therapeutic benefit of these sacred places in relation to kundalini yoga meditations.
‘At sunrise and sunset, we will see the rays of the sun entering evocative Nuragic constructions, whose energetic and regenerative power has been known and used since antiquity. All that remains is to experience the richness of these places of strength, where man’s meditation unites with the magnetism of nature.’
Shuniya Healing
Way of self-healing in the megalithic lands
Megalithic sites, shrines and caves still constitute places of strength, connected to the code of life: the sacred principle that lives in each one in the name of the one Father. It is the very action of the Holy Spirit, the Hebrew Ruah, the Christ Consciousness, the Kundalini or Indian Shakti, or that Love which, by generating awareness, sets us free from deception.
Shuniya Healing is a project for sharing and spreading awareness and self-healing practices coordinated by Lamberto Cardellini Jaspal Singh.
Training courses and seminars are held, and practice groups are organised at megalithic sites under the guidance of qualified teachers.